Terms and conditions
The present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as: „GTC”) shall contain the rights and obligations of the users (hereinafter referred to as: “Client”) of the services provided through the www.shmentor.hu website (hereinafter referred to as: “Website”) operated by the National Union of Students in Hungary (hereinafter referred to as: “Service Provider”). (Service Provider and Client hereinafter jointly referred to as: “Parties”). The GTC shall apply to all legal transactions and services conducted through the Website.
Online services related to
Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network
General Terms and Conditions
1. General Information
1.1. The territorial scope of the present GTC shall cover all services provided in the territory of Hungary conducted through the Website. Services provided through the Website shall be regulated by Act CVIII of 2001 on Certain Issues of Electronic Commerce Services and Information Society Services.
1.2. Annex No 1 shall contain the specification of the services falling under the scope of the present GTC.
1.3. The Service Provider shall be obliged to provide Internet services to Clients under the following conditions. The Parties hereby undertake to accept these conditions and agree to be bound by these conditions.
2. Registration, Removal from Register and Data Modification
2.1. Preliminary registration and mentor-selection shall be considered as a condition of using the services offered by the Website.
2.2. Clicking on the registration button to be found on the main page shall be necessary for launching the registration process, and then the registration interface shall appear.
2.3. The following data must be provided out of those to be found on the registration interface:
a) Name of the Client
b) Country of origin of the Client
c) Hungarian Higher Education institution as place of studies
d) Faculty and Specialization of the Hungarian studies, in the institutions specified in point c)
e) E-mail address of the Client
f) Gender of the Client
g) Entry Password
2.4. Providing the below data to be found on the registration interface shall not be mandatory for the registration (Voluntary Data Sharing); the Client, however, shall be entitled to decide to provide one or more out of these data:
a) uploading photo(s)
b) information on health status (e.g.: allergies)
c) religion
d) date of birth
e) nationality
2.5. The Client shall be entitled to withdraw without any time-limit its consent related to their data provided in the framework of the Voluntary Data Sharing by deleting the contents of the given field then saving the data sheet with a click.
2.6. Following the completion of the necessary data, the blank boxes on the cognition and acceptance of the GTC and the Data Processing Policy shall be required to be checked. To confirm the registration click the register button.
2.7. The user account of the Client must be activated following the successful registration. Activation shall take place via the e-mail address provided during registration. An automatic message with a website link and a not reusable code shall be forwarded by the Website to the provided e-mail address. By clicking on the link, the code received by e-mail must be entered by the Client in the blank field next to the activation code, while the Client must fill the field underneath with a password and then click on the button marked “activation”. Thereafter, as a result of the successful activation, the Client shall have access to the login interface of the website, which can be accessed by the entering of the preliminarily provided e-mail address and password.
2.8. On the occasion of the first login following the completion of the registration process the Client must choose a mentor from the possible mentors appearing on the website after entering, so that the Client shall set up an order of preference. When determining a preference order, a minimum of one and a maximum of five mentors must be listed. The order shall be confirmed by clicking on the „OK” button.
2.9. Upon the completion of the registration and mentor selection, the Client shall become entitled to use the services provided on the Website.
2.10. The removal from register shall be fulfilled by the Client by clicking on the deleting account menu within the profile menu.
2.11. Modifications in the data provided in points 2.3 and 2.4 by the Client can be made by altering the contents of the given field and clicking the “save data sheet” button.
2.12. In regard to the incorrect and/or inaccurate data provided by the Client, the Service Provider shall not be held liable for any disadvantages incurred by the Client in connection with the use of the Services.
2.13. The Service Provider shall not be held liable for any damages resulting from the Client forgetting their password or the disclosure of any data to unauthorized persons for any reasons beyond the control of the Service Provider.
3. Profile Management
3.1. Resulting from the registration process the Client shall have an individual profile on the website.
3.2. The profile shall be considered as the interface where the Clients using the website can see each other and the personal data made available by the Clients on themselves (hereinafter referred to as: visibility). By default, exclusively the name of the Client shall be displayed.
3.3. If the Client wishes to make some data other than their name, but also provided in the course of the registration, visible to other Clients on their profile, it can be made by clicking on the visibility icon to be found next to the data required to be made visible on the data sheet.
3.4. To revoke visibility from the public, click the visibility icon next to the data in question on the data sheet.
4. Communication on the Website
4.1. Clients shall have the opportunity to contact with each other and communicate in written through the Website as follows:
a) message board (Wall)
b) message
4.2. The Wall shall be considered as a form of written communication through which all Clients can communicate with each other, while messages displayed on the Wall can be seen by all Clients entering the Wall interface.
4.3. A message shall be considered as a written communication between 2 Clients that can only be seen by the sender and the recipient.
4.4. The Service Provider shall monitor all messages displayed on the Wall and delete all entries that violate the law or may be suitable for the violation of human dignity and the rights related to reputation in the opinion of the Service Provider.
4.5. The Client shall be entitled to initiate the removal of an entry from the Wall including its own post, by sending an e-mail to the shmh@hook.hu address from the registered e-mail address. Upon the receipt of the request the Service Provider shall immediately examine the entry in question and, and if justified, or if it is the Client’s own post, the entry shall be deleted from the Wall.
4.6. Clients whose entry posted on the Wall seriously infringes the human dignity or reputation of others, or the posted entry qualify as a serious legal violation, respectively if the entry repeatedly infringes the human dignity or reputation of other persons, then the Service Provider shall be entitled to ban this Client from the Wall for a period of at least 1 and maximum of 120 days.
4.7. The Client shall acknowledge that messages displayed on the Wall, as well as messages between each other shall be stored in databases by the Service Provider, assuring the Clients’ access to any former correspondence.
4.8. The Service Provider shall declare not to have any insight in the messages stored in the database – except as provided in point 4.9 –; the sole purpose of storing those messages shall be providing the opportunity for Clients to have access to their messages in the future.
4.9. The Service Provider shall declare to have an insight to the message appearing on the Wall for the purpose of deleting the appearing infringing entries or entries being problematic from the aspects of personality rights, furthermore to investigate user requests and complaints.
5. Application to Events
5.1. The possibility to participate in the events announced for the Clients can be conditioned by The Service Provider to a preliminary registration. Clients can register via the website under the menu called Tourism Programmes by selecting with a click which of the offered events they wish to participate in.
5.2. By registration the Clients shall undertake to appear on the event, to provide the data necessary for the participation on the event and to respect the rules applicable to the participation on the event.
5.3. Cancelling the participation on the event shall be accepted 72 hours prior to the event, by the withdrawal of the application to the event – under the menu called Tourism Programmes on the Website.
5.4. The participation on the events shall be free of charge for the Clients.
5.5. The detailed conditions of the participation on the events shall be included in the General Terms and Conditions on the conditions of the participation on the events organized by the National Union of Students in Hungary for the members of the Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network.
6. Participation on Courses
6.1. Announcing different lectures and courses, the Service Provider shall intend to promote the social integration and increase in knowledge of the Clients.
6.2. The Clients shall be entitled to participate on the announced lectures and courses based on preliminary registration and announced by the Service Provider under the menu called Educational Materials.
6.3. By applying, the Clients shall undertake to participate in the lectures and courses, to provide the data necessary for the participation and to comply with the rules governing their participation in the lectures and courses.
6.4. Cancelling the participation on lectures or courses shall be accepted 72 hours prior to the courses and trainings, by the withdrawal of the application to the courses and trainings under the menu called Educational Materials on the Website.
7. Data Protection
7.1. The Service Provider shall be entitled to transfer the personal data provided by the Client during registration to third parties in accordance with the provisions of the Data Processing Policy.
7.2. The Service Provider shall use, respectively transfer the personal data provided in connection with the services available on the website exclusively to the extent and in the manner necessary for the performance of the given service. The related data processing operations shall be included in the Data Processing Policy.
8. Copyright Protection
8.1. The Website shall be under copyright protection. The Service Provider shall qualify as copyright holder or the authorized user of all contents: any copyright work, respectively other intellectual property (including inter alia all graphics and other materials, the arrangement and edition of the Website interface, the used software-based and other kind of solutions, ideas and realizations) displayed on the Website and in the course of the performance of the services available through the Website.
9. Liability
9.1. The use of the Website shall presume the knowledge and acceptance of the opportunities and barriers of the Internet from the part of the Client, with special regard to technical achievements and emerging errors. The Service Provider can be by no means held liable for the contents not taxatively listed in the points below, should they occur by any reason:
a) any data forwarded and/or received on the Internet
b) any operational failure in the Internet network hindering the unobstructed functioning of the Website and the use of available services
c) any breakdown in any of the receiver devices on the communication lines, the inappropriate operation of any software
d) the loss of any letter or data
e) the consequences of any program error, anomalous event or technical error
9.2. If the Client notice any objectionable contents on the Website, it shall be mandatory to immediately notify it to the Service Provider. Should the Service Provider find the signal to be justified in the course of its good faith procedure, it is entitled to immediately delete or modify the information in question.
10. Deletion of Client’s Registration by Service Provider
10.1. If the Client seriously or repeatedly violates the provisions of the present GTC, the Service Provider shall be obliged to call on the Client to comply with the provisions of the GTC or to cease the violating conduct. If the Client subsequently repeatedly violates the provisions of the GTC or continue the unlawful conduct, the Service Provider shall be entitled to delete the registration of the Client, while prohibiting the use of the website for the future.
10.2. In cases listed in points 2.10, respectively 10.1 the Service Provider shall be obliged to terminate all Client-related data processing.
11. Miscellaneous
11.1. The provisions of the Hungarian laws in force, particularly the Civil Code and the related laws shall be applied to the legal relationship between Service Provider and Client, as well as to the present GTC. In case of any quality objection of the Client the provisions of the effective consumer protection laws shall govern.
11.2. By reason of the global character of the Internet the Client shall agree to act in accordance with the provisions of the applicable national law when using the Website. If any activity related to the use of the Website shall not be authorized under the law of the Client’s state, the Client shall be exclusively held liable for the use thereof.
11.3. If the Client notice any objectionable content on the Website, the Service Provider must be notified immediately thereof. Should the Service Provider find the signal to be justified in the course of its good faith procedure, it is entitled to immediately delete or modify the information in question.
11.4. If any legal debate having incidentally emerged between the Service Provider and the Client is not resolved during the negotiations with the Service Provider, the following legal enforcement options shall be available for the Client:
Filing Complaints with the Service Provider
If the Client notices the violation of consumer’s rights, the possibility to file a complaint with the Service Provider shall be available as follows: phone number: …… e-mail:…….. If the complaint was not received in writing, the Service Provider shall be obliged to record it in writing and respond it in writing within 30 days. Should the Service Provider not agree with the contents of the complaint, an appropriate reasoning must be presented to support their standpoint.
Filing a Consumer Complaint
If the Client notices the violation of consumer’s rights, they are entitled to file a complaint with the consumer protection authority competent according to the place of residence. Following the consideration of the filed complaint the authority shall be entitled to decide whether consumer protection proceedings are conducted or not.
Arbitration Board
For the purpose of the peaceful, out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute related to the quality and safety of the products, the application of product liability regulations and the conclusion and performance of the contract, the Client shall be entitled to initiate proceedings before an arbitration board attached to the professional chamber competent according to the place of residence.
Court Procedure
The Client shall be entitled to enforce their claims arising from a consumer dispute in the cadre of a civil court procedure according to the provisions of the Civil Code and the Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure.
11.5. The Service Provider shall be entitled without any time-limit to unilaterally modify the conditions of the present GTC. Upon the entering into force of the modifications the registered users shall be obliged to expressly accept these provisions when logging in to the site in order to be authorized to use the site.
Budapest, 20 November 2020