
Dear Student,

Welcome to the webpage of the National Union of Students in Hungary’s (HÖOK) Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network.

If you are a first-year student, about to arrive in Hungary, do not worry! The HÖOK SHMN mentor program registration is open from the 17th of August until the 31st of October. You have plenty of time to apply and choose a mentor.

The network’s aim is to assist the higher educational integration of freshman students that are coming to Hungary with the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship by providing mentor pairs to them. The mentors' responsibility is to assist their mentees in administrative and educational tasks and to help them in getting used to Hungarian transportation, culture, and norms. These mentors always attend the same university as their mentees and are there for them to provide help with their problems. The 29 partner institutions are the following:


• Budapest Business School
• Budapest University of Technology and Economics
• Corvinus University of Budapest
• Eötvös Loránd University
• Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
• Franz Liszt Academy of Music
• Hungarian Dance University
• Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
• Hungarian University of Fine Arts
• Hungarian University of Sport Science
• John von Neumann University
• John Wesley Theological College
• Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary

• Ludovika University of Public Service

• Mome - Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

• MFA Balassi Preparatory Programme
• Óbuda University
• Pázmány Péter Catholic University
• Semmelweis University
• Széchenyi István University
• University of Debrecen
• University of Dunaújváros
• University of Miskolc
• University of Nyíregyháza
• University of Pannonia
• University of Pécs
• University of Sopron
• University of Veterinary Medicine, Budapest


One of our network's aim is to organize several cultural and touristic programs for its members as well to make the students' stay in Hungary pleasant and to make sure they get familiar with as many of the country’s values as possible. Each event organised by the Network is free for students.

  • Further cultural and e-learning materials are prepared about Hungary's national holidays, history, significant figures in the entertainment industry, Nobel-prize winners, literature, history of film and inventors

After watching each video, students can do some tests and quizzes to get some points. The ones who get the most points receive valuable gifts.

For more information please check the subpage "About us".

If you are a freshman Stipendium Hungaricum student and would like to become a member of our team and experience the cultural diversity of Hungary, complete the registration.

We hope to see you soon
Stipendium Hungaricum Mentor Network
